A blog about Renaissance literature and academic life

Friday, March 30, 2012

Yet once more...the Paradise Lost Movie is Cancelled

I'm VERY late to this -- but hey, I'm on Early Modern Time -- it is with sorrow in my heart that I just saw here that Legendary Pictures pulled the plug on the big-screen adaptation of Paradise Lost, to be directed by Alex Proyas and star that guy from the Hangover as, surely, the worst Satan ever. This is the umpteenth time this has happened: people are always saying they will make PL into a movie, and then at some point I guess a producer says "why, exactly, are we doing this when we could just film another version of Hamlet? Maybe this time set in Columbia?"

As the story says: "Legendary also realized that in order to effectively bring to life Milton’s war between heaven and hell, it was going to need Avatar-like special effects. But Avatar-like effects call for an an Avatar-like budget, and execs realized the technology wasn’t there to make the movie in the budget range in which they were working."

The irony of this, for me, is that I've always thought Milton's war in heaven is something of a farce; as his angels hurl mountains, get punctured, and reinflate like self-repairing tires, I think he's taking the piss out of the epic equivalent of big budget special effects...

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