A blog about Renaissance literature and academic life

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Deceptively Shakeospherean

Disclaimer: Shakeosphere isn't really about Shakespeare: to the extent that it is about anything, it is about all things early modern, and I'll try to post bits and pieces about my research and teaching here on the rare occasions that I do something interesting or newsworthy. But "Shakeosphere" seemed vaguely sexier than "Miltonista," which was my other top choice for a blog title. And as everyone knows, everyone has to have a blog -- because how else would we fill those empty hours? But I'll also link to interesting articles about Milton, Marlowe, and yes, Shakespeare as and when they arise.

In case I'm just writing for myself, I'll keep these brief -- but this should also be a good place to post abstracts, link to conferences and papers of interest, etc, as well as post book porn: by which I mean pictures of old books that I encounter in my research...the kind of stuff that gets the professoriate all atwitter.

"that's all one, our play is done,
And we'll strive to please you every day."

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